Continue Arworthiness Maintenance Organization. CAMO.
Que es una CAMO? Organización de Gestión del Mantenimiento de la Aeronavegabilidad CAMO es el estándar más alto para el mantenimiento de la aeronavegabilidad de las aeronaves. La cual debe incluir un CAME, (manual de exposicion). Aqui explico como y de que se compone una CAMO y asi poder entederlo mejor. Manual de Gestión del Mantenimiento de la Aeronavegabilidad (CAME) requerido en CAMO.A.300 (Normativa EASA). GM1 CAMO.A.160(b) Occurrence reporting DESIGN APPROVAL HOLDER OR DECLARANT OF A DECLARATION OF DESIGN COMPLIANCE Depending on the case, the ‘organisation responsible for the design of the aircraft’ will be the holder of a type -certificate, a restricted type -certificate, a supplemental type -certificate, a European Technical Standard Order (ETSO) authorisation, an approval for a repair or a change to the type design or any other relevant approval or authorisation or declaration of compliance for products, parts and appliances deemed to have been issued or submitted under C...